Use our Robotics Board to control a 7 segment display with a potentiometer.
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Build the circuit as shown in the diagram using the components specified.
You can use any color jumper wires for the 7 segment display, just make sure they are plugged into the right place.
Install and launch the Arduino software.
Click on the Sketch menu, select Include Library, and then Manage Libraries...
On the top right side type TM1637 and it will show the results in the bottom of the window. We want the TM1637 by Avishay Orpaz. Click the Install button.
The library will be downloaded and installed, and then show the word Installed along with the version number. Click the Close button in the lower right corner. You are now ready to upload your Arduino sketch!
(These instructions can also be found in the PDF file Installing-TM1637-Library.pdf)
Upload the Arduino sketch to the Robotics Board.
You can find the code here:
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