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Major VersionM

by Pete Prodoehl


The king of the lizards was a fearsome creature millions of years ago. These days the mighty T-Rex just looks cute when you make it out of colorful paper.

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  1. Print off the template, trace it, and cut out your T-Rex body parts. If you plan on freehand cutting your body, be sure to read all the directions first. Pay special attention to how we create the battery holder. If you plan on freehand cutting your body, be sure to read all the directions first. Pay special attention to how we create the battery holder.
    • Print off the template, trace it, and cut out your T-Rex body parts.

    • If you plan on freehand cutting your body, be sure to read all the directions first. Pay special attention to how we create the battery holder.

  2. The long leg of an LED is positive, and the short leg is negative. For this project the positive leg goes on the back, and the negative leg goes on the front. Bend both LED legs 90 degrees. Stick the long positive leg through the paper. It may help to cut a small slit in the paper.
    • The long leg of an LED is positive, and the short leg is negative. For this project the positive leg goes on the back, and the negative leg goes on the front.

    • Bend both LED legs 90 degrees.

    • Stick the long positive leg through the paper. It may help to cut a small slit in the paper.

  3. Run a piece of tape along the front of your T-Rex, covering the negative LED leg.
    • Run a piece of tape along the front of your T-Rex, covering the negative LED leg.

  4. Run a piece of tape covering the positive LED leg, down and then over to the round battery holder piece. The tape should wrap around the round part to the front side of the T-Rex.
    • Run a piece of tape covering the positive LED leg, down and then over to the round battery holder piece.

    • The tape should wrap around the round part to the front side of the T-Rex.

    • You can choose to make a right angle turn or overlap multiple pieces of tape. Either method will work with Maker Tape because it's conductive on all sides.

    • Do not connect the positive and negative tape lines. Doing so would cause a short circuit.

  5. Place the battery so that bottom (negative) side is over the negative line of tape.
    • Place the battery so that bottom (negative) side is over the negative line of tape.

    • Fold down the round battery holder section on the back so that the positive line of tape make contact with the top of the battery.

    • The LED should turn on!

    • If your LED does not light up, try flipping the battery over. If it still does not light up, make sure your tape is pressed down securely against the LED legs.

  6. Use a binder clip to hold the battery in place.
    • Use a binder clip to hold the battery in place.

    • To "Turn Off" the project, just remove the binder clip.

  7. Add on the rest of the body parts using glue or tape. Your Dino Friend is now complete... Enjoy! Your Dino Friend is now complete... Enjoy!
    • Add on the rest of the body parts using glue or tape.

    • Your Dino Friend is now complete... Enjoy!

  8. Since Maker Tape is conductive on both sides you can use it to make a tape loop that helps hold your battery in place. If you wanted to, you could use two tape loops (one for each side of the battery) and turn on and off your circuit without the need of a binder clip. If you wanted to, you could use two tape loops (one for each side of the battery) and turn on and off your circuit without the need of a binder clip.
    • Since Maker Tape is conductive on both sides you can use it to make a tape loop that helps hold your battery in place.

    • If you wanted to, you could use two tape loops (one for each side of the battery) and turn on and off your circuit without the need of a binder clip.

  9. Check out our other Dino Friends; Triceratops, Pterodactyl, and Plesiosaurus.
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