Make this Minecraft-Inspired Block using this guide and the templates found in the attached PDF file.
This projects can be created with our Origami Circuits Kit. You'll just need some Maker Tape, a CR2032 Battery, and a Vibrating Motor.
You’ll need to supply your own paper, scissors, tape, and markers, crayons, or colored pencils.
Note: Because of the coloring involved with this project it can take quite a bit of time, depending on how intricate you want to get with your colored squares.
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Gather materials and tools listed.
Print template back-to-back using the file located at the bottom of this guide.
Find an image to work off of.
Use markers to color in the squares and recreate your chosen block. Tip: DON'T color too heavily as too much ink can cause edges to curl and become trickier to tape together into the cube shape.
Follow instructions included on template.
Check out our Minecraft-Inspired Paper Circuits (full series) guide for more fun projects!