A simple LED circuit that makes your sweater light up - with the most bang for your "buck". Reindeer rejoice! Great for any holiday party.
You can make this project (and many more!) with our Wearables Circuits Kit.
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Video Overview
Insert a red LED through the shirt.
Turn the shirt inside out.
Insert a coin cell battery between the legs of the LED, matching the long leg to the positive (+) side and the short leg to the negative side.
Peek at the front of the shirt - did the LED light up? If it did good! If it didn't, try flipping the battery around.
Use a piece of tape (transparent tape works best!) to secure the battery and LED legs together.
Fold the battery down so that it lays flush against the back of the shirt, with the negative side touching the shirt.
Turn the shirt right side out, and you're ready to guide the sleigh tonight!