Major VersionM
01/06/2023 by Pete Prodoehl
Printed Copies Are Uncontrolled
Wiki ID: 407
Author: Joshua
Release: 1.0 [Major]
Revision ID: 1247
Revision Date: 01-02-23
3D models that can be used with the Crazy Circuits system.
2AA Battery Holder with Holes
2AAA Battery Holder
2AAA Battery Holder with Holes
3AAA Battery Holder with Holes
3D Printed Component Holder
3D Printed LEGO Fidget Spinner
7 Segment Display Holder
Arcade Button Enclosure
BDG Parts Bin
Box Latch
CR2032 Battery Holders
Cable Rack
Distance Sensor Holder
Distance Sensor Holder with Holes
Double Sided 2x2 LEGO
GoPro Holder
Gripper (Printable)
MP3 Player Holder
Maker Tape Battery Holders
Motor Crank Handle
NeoPixel Beam Holder
OLED Display Holder
Omni Wheel Hub
PIR Sensor Holder
Pen Holder
Pin Pliers
Rotary Encoder Holder
Rover Light Sensor Bar
Rover NeoPixel Holder
Rover Remote
Spy Camera Holder
Tape Roll Holder (1/4" Wide, 20 Meter Roll)
Tape Roll Holder (1/4" Wide, 5 Meter Roll)
Tape Roll Holder (1/8" Wide, 5 Meter Roll)
Temperature and Humidity Sensor Holder
Thumbstick Sensor Holder
VEX 228-2536 Omni Wheel Adapter
micro:bit Holder
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